Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gobble Gobble!

It's been a year since the 1st annual North Carolina Thanksgiving. The Killeen clan and the Allen family are on their way to NC right now. We cannot wait to see everyone!

here is a pictures from last year's celebration.

Well I started this blog before Christian was born and then slacked off. I am going to start up again if not for anything more then to have a place to post funny things Christian says and does so that I can remember. I am reading a new book and there was an interesting quote I found quite relevant:
"You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget."
I am certainly forgetting more of what I want to remember these days.

The other day Christian said to me, while eating his strawberry yogurt, "Mommy, I don't want strawberry, there are crumbs in it" referring to the strawberry seeds.

Christian is almost 3, his birthday is in less than a month. I cannot believe it. We're going to have his birthday party at Gymboree in Cornelius, and we've invited his whole class from Chesterbrook. Now I need to find a bakery that makes cakes that look like monster trucks.