Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Christian!

3 years ago today, Christian James was born. Today we're celebrating at Gymboree with some of his friends. I'll post videos later.

He loves the Cars movie, thanks Aunt Peggy and Uncle Chris for giving me the movie! I love watching it!

This is what pure BLISS looks like. He absolutely loved the bubbles!

Check him out in the background...these bubbles are made of glycerine so they taste like sugar. He was having a blast catching them and eating them!

After singing happy birthday to you he blew out his candles.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Two Boxers?

I thought we only had one Boxer, our dog, Riley. But after looking at Christian's lip it looks like he may have a new hobby.

Christian fell at pre-school yesterday and hit his lip. Poor thing, he is doing ok but it gave us a good scare. *Let this photo be a lesson to all who think they want collagen.*

Since he was sent home from pre-school yesterday, while we were home alone we had a little craft time...

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

We had a great time!

Thanksgiving was filled with family and fun! The Allens drove down from Maryland, the Fencicks and the Gavruns drove down from New Jersey. We loved seeing everyone and look forward to Thanksgiving next year (though I am still stuffed! Good cooking mom!)

Here is a group shot of the whole crowd.
Christian's aunties spoiled him with some awesome gifts, thank you aunties!

Here is a little video of Christian listening to "'Twas the night before Christmas". Aunt Janet got him a recordable book and everyone took a turn recording a page for him. In this video he is realizing that the page he is listening to is pop-pop. Thank you Aunt Janet, Aunt Carol, Uncle Mike, Joey, Michael, Mom and Dad!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gobble Gobble!

It's been a year since the 1st annual North Carolina Thanksgiving. The Killeen clan and the Allen family are on their way to NC right now. We cannot wait to see everyone!

here is a pictures from last year's celebration.

Well I started this blog before Christian was born and then slacked off. I am going to start up again if not for anything more then to have a place to post funny things Christian says and does so that I can remember. I am reading a new book and there was an interesting quote I found quite relevant:
"You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget."
I am certainly forgetting more of what I want to remember these days.

The other day Christian said to me, while eating his strawberry yogurt, "Mommy, I don't want strawberry, there are crumbs in it" referring to the strawberry seeds.

Christian is almost 3, his birthday is in less than a month. I cannot believe it. We're going to have his birthday party at Gymboree in Cornelius, and we've invited his whole class from Chesterbrook. Now I need to find a bakery that makes cakes that look like monster trucks.